CHINGARI PVT LTD Top cement in India
CHINGARI.PVT LTD The company was incorporated in the 2010 and Started its production in 2012 in Bangalore. CHINGARI Cement Ltd. is one of India’s leading manufacturers of Cement and the third largest Cement manufacturer in the World. Cement is the most commonly used construction material and hence an important input to economic activity. Based on the composition and percentage of clinker used, different types of cement—OPC, PPC, CONCRETE PLUS, white and grey are produced for various end-uses. The cost of one bag of OPC is Rs 275,PPC IS 260,CONCRETE PLUS IS 285.Company portfolio. The CHINGARI PVT LTD is the second largest manufacturer of cement most commonly construction material hence. The Company Incorporated started production of bricks has started production Bangalore and first dispatch was done on 2017